Friday, March 23, 2007


Just a reminder that by buying from the advertisers on this site you'll be helping a great cause in . If you're going to sign up for a free Yahoo Fantasy Baseball account, please click on the Yahoo ad at the top of the blog to do so. If you're going to buy any books, DVDs, or anything else from Amazon, click on one of their ads at the side of the page (I'll get credit even if the ad is for a different item than you're buying). If you're buying baseball tickets, check out the StubHub ad, and take a look at the links and information on referral codes to GameDayDraft (free daily fantasy baseball contests with cash prizes) and Home Run Mania on the right side of the page. If you haven't already signed up for Rotohog (free, 4100K first prize) and are interested in it, visit my other blog, The Rotohog Blog where you'll find instructions. Signing up for or buying any of these great products will help me earn money for Save The Children. And if you're interested in getting updates on my progress, send me an email letting me know that you'd like to be on my mailing list.


Anonymous said...

Don't buy from StubHub. Read more at:

Blogger said...

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